Non-Local Continuum Model and Its Numerical Simulation for Localization Problem
Posted by Dagwood EngelbergFeng, Jili; Zhong, Tievi; Wen, Kewei
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica
1999, vol. 12, no1, pp. 51-62
A non-local continuum model for strain-softening simply taking plastic strain or damage variable as a non-local variable is derived by using the additive decomposition principle of finite deformation gradient. At the same time, variational equations, their finite element formulations and numerical convoluted integration algorithm of the model in current configuration usually called co-moving coordinate system are given. Stability and convergence of the model are proven by means of the weak convergence theorem of general function and the convoluted integration theory. Mathematical and physical properties of the characteristic size for material or structure are accounted for within the context of a statistical weighted or kernel function, and way is investigated. Numerical simulation shows that this model is suitable for to analyzing deformation localization problems.
Pertaining to: Continuum, Localization, Simulation