Chermakani, Deepak Ponvel

We convert, within polynomial-time and sequential processing, NP-Complete Problemsinto a problem of deciding feasibility of a given system S of linear equations with constants and coefficients of binary-variables that are 0, 1, or -1. S is feasible, if and only if, the NP-Completeproblem has a feasible solution. We show separate polynomial-time conversions to S, from the SUBSET-SUM and 3-SAT problems, both of which are NP-Complete. The number of equations and variables in S is bounded by a polynomial function of the size of the NP-Completeproblem, showing that deciding the feasibility of S is strongly-NP-Complete. Wealsoshow how to apply the approach used for the SUBSET-SUM problemtodecidethe feasibility of Integer Linear Programs, as it involves reducing the coefficient-magnitudes of variables to the logarithm of their initial values, though the number of variables and equations are increased. 


It is you, you are behind LHOHQ

F1XATI0N said...
June 10, 2023 at 3:04 PM  

Why is it same as the article written by deepak poonvel, whats the relation i don't understand

F1XATI0N said...
June 10, 2023 at 3:13 PM  

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